Forensic Medical Expert

Dr. Clionsky has a private medical practice dedicated to treating patients with complex medical problems that affect their thinking and behavior. In addition to having assessed and treated thousands of individuals, Dr. Clionsky offers medical expert opinions in criminal and civil cases.

She has testified in Berkshire, Bristol, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, and Norfolk District Courts; in Berkshire, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Middlesex, Suffolk, and Worchester Superior Courts. She has also testified in Federal District Court in Connecticut and Massachusetts as well as in the State Court of Fulton County, Georgia.


If you are an attorney or government agency and are seeking medical expert services, please reach out using the link below.



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One of the Best

"Your brilliance - incredible knowledge, experience, and wit, combined with your amazing presentation skills, you're definitely one of the best in my experience. I am very lucky to have your guidance and expertise."

- Western Mass Lawyer

Unmatched Knowledge

"Dr. Clionsky was beyond outstanding. I cannot say enough about her report (50 pages single spaced) and her testimony. She was amazing. Not only is her knowledge of cognitive and memory issues as they related to the victim's injury in this case (and her overall knowledge) unmatched, her ability to convey medical terms and the way the brain functions in a way that lay persons can fully understand was perfect. And, just her overall pleasant conversational approach with the judge and other court members was refreshing."

- Boston based Lawyer